Honest and True South Africa
This system has been designed such that once indoctrinated, it becomes a norm and a way of life for the beneficiaries regardless of the outcome, and it is against this background that beneficiaries will always see nothing wrong in sustaining and protecting it..!
We need to do a seriously honest and true introspection as South Africans, Africans and as a People of the African Diaspora towards an honest and true assessment of who we truly are as a people..! We need to STOP allowing others define us and decide for us as is the norm now..!
We need to look deep into the effects of colonialism and be honest and true about the legacy created back then, the legacy that continues to bear good and bad fruits today and beyond..! This way we will realise the fact that most problems are man-made..!
Colonialism beneficiaries have always been its founders and those who came from them. They ensured that their system is generational and will be sustained by generation after generation in their favour and that has been happening ever since colonial implementation..!
Beneficiaries at all levels still benefit from colonialism to this day and they have no intentions of stopping to do so not anytime soon, if ever there is a consideration in this regard. There are three different levels of colonial beneficiaries; Countries, Communities and Families..!
Let us use the “Special Relationship” between Britain and the United States of America as an example..! Britain and the United States of America are perfect examples of colonial beneficiaries. To this day, Britain and America continue to colonise many countries in the world and the difference is that todays’ colonisation is more sophisticated and modern. Let me qualify this for you and you are more than welcomed to verify the examples I give accordingly..!
If you doubt this then ask yourself this question; what is the story behind and justification for Britain to have the most powerful currency in the world with such a small economy..? What is the moral of the story regarding the so-called Common Wealth? Who and or what is the "Common" in the "Wealth" referred to; who is really benefitting and why do countries that were colonised, oppressed and abused by Britain agree to be part of this so-called Common Wealth when the wealth is not that common..? And just how common is this wealth referred to in the Common Wealth..?
“If you are not with us then it means you are against us”. Regardless of whom the president is, this has been and still is a well-known foreign policy and approach by the United States of America to the rest of the world. The USA is the worst human rights abuser in the world and this fact is forever ignored by many countries the world over. Why is this..?
The USA is forever breaking the so-called international law and the world seems to find a way to agree and justify this. How is this and why..? I can outline many examples and I suspect you know many yourselves and here is a few: The world knows the fact that the USA/British led invasion and killing of innocent people of Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. were not just unwarranted but also illegal..! If it were any other country especially an African Country, respective leaders would be hauled before the so-called International Criminal Court..!
Let us bring this into context and closer to home..! There are many questions than there are answers regarding the reasons for the world ignoring thereby allowing colonisers to continue robbing, cheating and abusing Africa and Native Africans beyond imagination..! The legacy of these actions lives long enough hence we still experiencing the wrath of the colonial legacy left by the colonial masters long after they are gone.
Colonial masters have come and gone and their legacy continues to benefit their families today. Descendants of colonial masters inherited legacy which included land, wealth, etc. and it is for this reason that even though colonial masters are gone, they continue to live through their legacy. Beneficiaries know this for a fact and the sad part is that they are deeply in denial about this reality..!
If you travel throughout the African Continent you will realise the sad fact that colonial descendants own the land and wealth of this Continent whereas Africans languish in deep and painful poverty, famine, etc. The question then becomes; how do we justify Native Africans being in this dilemma in their Rich Native Land whereas foreigners are wealthy, rich and better off in foreign land..?
It is very irritating to hear colonial beneficiaries claiming how they worked hard to get to where they are with their wealth and riches, deliberately and completely ignoring the truth. They keep challenging and convincing Native Africans to forget about their inherited colonial legacy and move on as if nothing wrong happened..! How convenient..!
They expect Native Africans to compete with them in all aspects of life after all what their forefathers have done..! This is not just unfair but very hypocritical of colonial beneficiaries..! They have all the money and resources and expect us compete with them empty handed as we are..! That is madness at its highest level..!
When we raise these issues then we are labelled and given derogatory names in quest to shut us up..! That will not happen. Our views are deliberately misrepresented so that people should disregard the truth as we tell it..! The latest is that whenever you raise the issue of regaining Our Native Land then we are immediately compared to Zimbabwe as if Zimbabweans were wrong to demand what is rightfully theirs..!
If not compared to Zimbabweans then it is with our leaders who have been brainwashed by this very colonial system to the point where they do not see anything wrong in repeating and using the very system against their own people..! For the record, the fact that some of us agree with your colonial system because it benefit them now does not make it right lest acceptable to us, Africans..!
Those of us Native Africans, who rob, steal and cheat Africa and Her Children like rulers, politicians, traditional leaders, community leaders, etc. must face the full might of our law the same way that you must..! Justice must prevail and we need justice that is honest and true as well as fair and not selective..!
Certain communities claim to be of African descent despite the fact that they know that that is not true..! Some of these communities claim and make sweeping statement such “as if colonisers did not come to Africa then Africa would be a disaster”. It is interesting that we are expected to believe this nonsense regardless of the fact that we have proven beyond reasonable doubt that our way of life is much better if not the best in the world..!
Some individuals of colonial descent claim that Africa does not enjoy democracy due to Africans leaders who are labelled dictators and all the derogatory names full of wrong motives..! If this is true, what are these individuals doing here then..? Why are they not leaving this corrupt and dictated Continent for better and democratic places elsewhere, especially where they descended from..?
Some of these very individuals label Native Africans as useless, lazy and not willing to work but the reality and truth of the matter is that the very individuals cannot live on their own without Native Africans in their daily lives..! Dirty, uneducated and unskilled as they say we are, they still expect us to clean after them since they do not know how to clean after themselves, look after their children and be their artisans despite all their silly and false claims..!
Accept the fact that you are colonial beneficiaries benefitting the fruits of inherited generational colonial legacy from those who came before you..! This is the only way that will help you come to terms with the truth thereby help shape the future of Africa and Africans.
Unlike you, we are human enough and are born with humanity. We are willing to share our Continent but that will not be done on your terms but ours..! Africa will never see peace and harmony for as long as you live in denial thereby denying us what is rightfully ours..!