Honest and True South Africa

Divide and Rule is the most powerful and successful systematic tool used to confuse and destroy Africans whilst milking Africa dry. Inventors and Beneficiaries of this Criminal and Rotten System outsmarted our Forefathers and in the process ensured that they plant a seed of indoctrination that will take generations to stop. They ensured that the effects are such that they will always have some if not most of us defending their system beyond imagination. We have been sold a dummy and this continues to this day and if not stopped, it will probably go for generations and generations beyond our time.
This system was implemented to destroy Indigenous Africans starting with Individuals, hence there is no self-respect and self-value; Couples, hence there’s no mutual respect and value; Families, hence individuals and couples do not see the use and the value of family anymore; Communities, hence communities do not have community principles and values anymore and all this led to a Nation at war with itself, a self-destroying Nation, a Nation without Morals, a Nation without a National Agenda and a Nation without a National symbol.
It is for this reason that even two decades into the so-called freedom and democracy, this Nation looks, sound and behave worse than ever before. This Nation was indoctrinated to know and understand things only the one way and that way is the indoctrinated way or the highway. No matter how much individual Indigenous Africans wake up and smell the coffee, this Criminal and Rotten System is so Well Structured such that their our own flesh and blood would do whatever it takes to discredit each other and whatever it is that is presented and or suggested as an alternative to this Criminal and Rotten Systematic Indoctrination.
Trying to understand South Africa and the rest of the African Continent without being realistic about the short, medium and long term effects of this Criminaal and Rotten System is the perfect recipe for a disaster. Establishing this platform is one of the very few means and ways to do my bit in contributing towards completely eradicating this Rotten and Criminal System forever, something that might not happen during my lifetime…