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Honest and True South Africa


I have lived in the apartheid and colonised South Africa; I lived in the so-called former South African Homeland, I was part of the negotiation towards the so-called New South Africa and I am alive and kicking in the so-called Democratic South Africa. This has given me a much needed and probably required ability to can give a balanced view of where we come from, where we are and where we are going as a People, as a Nation and as a Country. It is for this reason that I decided to create this platform to share my honest and true views with you, to the best of my ability.


I have, I still and will always maintain the fact that in order for us and or anyone to fully comprehend the reasons why we are where we are as a Country and as a People, one must fully appreciate our honest and true story, not only as told by the winners but also as told by the losers. Comprehending us as a People, as a Nation and as a Country from a position of the winners is a perfect recipe for a disaster because winners always only tell the story their own way, at the expense of the losers.


We have for a very long time allowed ourselves to be compromised and continue to allow ourselves to be compromised in many ways as a People, a Country and a Continent. Apart from allowing for decisions to be taken and choices to be made on our behalf, we have always allowed others to tell and write instead of us telling and writing our own story. It is for this reason that we always find ourselves at war with others as well as at war with ourselves and with each other, trying to unnecessarily explain and defend the unexplainable.


I sincerely believe that the South African Story can only make honest and true sense if told and comprehended with a premise that says; the legacy of both apartheid and colonialism is a direct result of a structured system aimed at disadvantaging and disenfranchising the majority of the Indigenous South Africans and Africans to the benefit of a privileged few misled and indoctrinated Indigenous South Africans, Africans and a small group of a foreign minority. This point of departure is key to a full, honest and true comprehension of where we come from, where we are and where we are headed as a People, as a Nation, as a Country and as Indigenous Africans in Africa and in the Diaspora.


I created, established and will sustain Honest and True South Africa as a platform to contribute in writing my own story shared with those with the same sentiments, experiences and expertise. My objective is to use this platform as honest and true as possible to share details mostly deliberately ignored by those with an agenda to advance the continuation of a bad thing. This bad thing is the badly rotten system that has been used and continue to be used to divide, rule, manage and dictate to us as a People, as a Nation, as a Country and as a Continent.


I have always been, I still am and will continue to be completely against this badly rotten system until it is completely done away with and replaced with our very own preferred system that will be to our benefit before anyone else. I aim to contribute towards helping the many of us who were and still are fully indoctrinated enough to believe in this badly rotten system such as our forefathers, our leaders, the so-called academics and the cooperates, etc. Your views, inputs and comments are most welcomed…

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