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Honest and True South Africa




This article is my honest and true view and a reflection on us (men) on how we present ourselves, relate to and associate with those around us. I wrote this article because I truly believe that there is a serious need for us men to be honest and true to ourselves first before trying to be honest and true to others. Naturally men have been leaders, head of families, role models, etc. in societies across the human race. You even find this in the animal kingdom too. In fact, when you take a closer look at animals, you will realise that their male species behave much better than some if not the majority of us (men) today. Sad, harsh but true in my humble view.


Think of it this way: our own flesh and blood, our children are ashamed of our actions these days to the extent that when you ask them of their role models, very few mention their biological fathers. Why..? Why are our children not proud of us enough to see us as their role models..? We need to do some serious soul searching and answer this daunting question in the most honest and true way. As fathers, we can't even be trusted by those we are suppose to love, care for  and protect. We abuse and rape our daughters, wives, mothers, grandmothers, men and even animals..! What is wrong with us..? We do all these despicable things and when confronted to account accordingly, we give all sorts of lame excuses technically justifying our behaviour. I am not sure if we can even trust ourselves let alone be trusted with our very own lives. We use our lives to destroy lives and therefore dangerous to ourselves and that of others…


Not overlooking and disregarding the good some of us do, if one is to table examples of the good and the bad about us, the bad outweighs the good way beyond imagination. The fact that we are male proves nothing about our worth in this regard. We need to start doing what is right as men. We know the truth unless if we choose to be hypocrites. I am not sure if we even recognise ourselves as being honest and true men..? Going back to the days of our fathers and I mean real fathers, we used to be so unashamedly proud of them without a blink of an eye. What they did for us, our families, communities and the nation at large tells their story accordingly, thereby giving us reasons enough to associate and emulate them. Can we say the same about ourselves today..? Perhaps we can and if so, how and how many of us..? Just take a look around you and answer this question honestly and truly…


Perhaps it is ok for my biological children to emulate another man instead of me, however this would negatively speak volumes about me as their father. You need not go any far from the many examples: Just take a look at who commits crime today and establish the reasons why. How many mothers are out there left in the cold with the responsibilities of filling the void that absent fathers have left...? Many children are in desperate need of their fathers..? Some of us are alive but as good as dead. If we were dead it would be better, but we are very much alive and roaming around creating more and more problems thereby destroying our very own society. Are we expecting everyone to just look at all the destruction we cause and pretend as if nothing wrong is happening..? If we continue with this attitude, we will soon reap the painful and bitter results. Our children are slowly but surely going wayward and signs are there for all to see unless if in denial…


My humble plea and call to us men out there is this: WE ARE SO DESPERATELY NEEDED BY OUR CHILDREN, WOMEN AND SOCIETY AT LARGE NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. Let us swallow our pride, stop shifting the blame, put all foolish excuses aside and face the reality. We messed up and still are. Our legacy leaves a lot to be desired. It is not too late to make amends. We have the opportunity right in front of us and it for us to take full advantage of this opportune moment and time in our lifetime to correct our wrongs whilst we still can. Let us go back to being real men. Let us go back to our women and children, sit them down, apologise for all our wrong doings, change our wayward ways, instil a sense of honesty and truthfulness in ourselves, thereby becoming honest and true men. This way we will create space and a proper leadership platform that will go a long way in creating, maintaining and sustaining credibility in our women, children and society beyond our time.


The time is now, not later, not tomorrow and certainly not in the future. We must deal with our lies, wayward ways, the pain and hurt we cause those around us, our negative and destructive ways that impacts in the decaying morality in our families, societies and the Nation at large. Let us do our self-introspection and ask ourselves this question: HOW DOES WHAT WE DO AND OR NOT DO IMPACT ON US AND THOSE AROUND US (OUR WOMEN, CHILDREN AND SOCIETY)..? I doubt if this is a difficult request. So, let all men come and join my call for all of us to be honest and true men. Let us start this now before it is too late. Let us do this not only for those around us but for ourselves and our personal legacies…



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