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Networking Event

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Stock Market Quotes

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Business Meeting

Ad men reviewing contract

Ad men reviewing contract

Brainstorming session

Brainstorming session

Modern Office

Modern Office

Discussing the Numbers

Discussing the Numbers

Display of Stock Market Quotes

Display of Stock Market Quotes



Business Partners at Work

Business Partners at Work

Business Brainstorm

Business Brainstorm

Wall Street Sign

Wall Street Sign

Outdoor Business Meeting

Outdoor Business Meeting

Stock Market Chart

Stock Market Chart

Reaching a Deal

Reaching a Deal

Businessman with Arms Folded

Businessman with Arms Folded

Businessman on Laptop

Businessman on Laptop

Team Discussion

Team Discussion

Successful Work Team

Successful Work Team

Hands In

Hands In



This is one of those areas of our lives that is very close to my heart. I have for over a very long time carefully observed how the system used to govern and control Us as South Africans and to a large extent, a system used to govern and control Us as Indigent Africans, has negatively effected and affected us. I grew up as a young Mosarwa Boy in a bush with animals as our next door neighbours and until I was moved from the bush to the so-called civilization, I knew nothing about homeless people, let alone homeless animals. All I knew was the unity and the love that we had and shared as families and communities in the bush. This love and harmony was equally visible within the animal kingdom living side by side with us. If it happened that one of us went astray or got lost, we looked for them, found them, embraced them, loved them and cared for them as we welcome them back into our family and community fold. This behaviour was also clearly visible in the animal kingdom just as it was in us. Like many of us Basarwa, I also got forcefully relocated from my humble surroundings to the so-called civilization, of which I came to understand to be a more destructive way of life than what I was used to.


Fast forward to today; after being indoctrinated to believing in education which was said to be key to a successful life, I have come to be ashamed of what has become of humanity especially how human beings have come to careless about each other. Humanity the way I was brought us to know it, does no longer exist. Humanity has been replaced by greed through material. Human beings celebrate each other’s' downfalls and failures. Human beings use each other to climb the so-called a leather of success. Human beings uses any means available to get to the so-called "THE TOP". There seem to be more and more people believing in material wealth regardless of the consequences to humanity and nature. This is a bitter pill to swallow for me because this is completely against not only my principles as a person, but it is also against my nature as a human being. This has challenged me to look at myself and measure my impact and effect in my own personal life and to the lives of other around me. It is for this reason that I have decided to do my bit in contributing to challenging myself and those in support, for us to do whatever it takes to get back to being the caring and loving human beings I was born into and grew up to learn, understand and know before my forced relocation for the so-called backward and uncivilized life as a Mosarwa.


Our lack of caring and loving each other as human being has produced and continue to produce what I call Idle Humanity. It all start with Idle Minds and lead all the way to Idle Humanity. We are mostly quick to complain about how some amongst us are idling but we are very slow to realize that we are the reason for such a behaviour. I write this article at the time when this notion of Idleness is hugely affecting and effecting the youth more than it can ever be imagined. We have relegated ourselves and became too comfortable with being a complaining people. We are quick to complain and point a finger but very slow to offer solutions to such challenges. If only we could use the same energy that we use when complaining to offer solutions to respective challenges, we would be facing very few challenges as humanity compared to what we have right now. It is for this reason that I decided not only to write this article to complain, but to humbly request you the reader to join me in ridding ourselves of this idleness.


I started many years ago and have slowly but surely be eradicating this cancer from myself, from those around me, from my immediate communities, from societies and working both hard and smart to eradicate it from our Nation with a view of all of us getting rid of this notion from the entire humanity across life. I am doing my part and I humbly call upon you to do your part too. Let us stop complaining and act. Let us implement every measure that works towards ensuring that none of us is idle. Idleness leads to all sorts of negative, destructive and dangerous actions. Getting rid of idleness will ensure a safe and secure life for all humanity. I call upon each one of us to adopt at least one idling human being and ensure that they idle no more. Let us give each other a reason not to idle. There are many means and ways to achieve this objective. Saving an individual from idling now guarantees to have no one idling in the near future. We are currently complaining about more and more young people idling but we are doing very little to eradicate reasons for them to be idling. Most of them do not idle because they want to but they idle because those in power, the haves, the rich and the wealthy see nothing wrong with creating a conducive environment for the youth to idle as it is now.


I use little resources availed to me, I use knowledge and experience I have acquired and continue to acquire to contribute to the eradication of the idle environment. This is the bit I am doing and I truly believe that should each one of us do something positive and constructive in this regard, we are more than capable to completely eradicate idleness out of humanity. We do not necessarily need money to achieve this, so I humbly request that we do not use money as an excuse. There are many many many means and ways that we have and know that we can use to contribute accordingly. I use every platform availed to me to do my part and I ask all of us to do the same.


Through the KGM Foundation supported by KGM Family Holdings, I continue to help those I come across and those who avail themselves to be in need of being assisted out of idleness across the country and beyond. Our incubation program is slowly but sure growing and spreading across the Country and getting known. We are currently establishing our program in the Eastern Cape and indications are that we will be hugely successful. I am humbled for the opportunity presented to us by those who believe and support our noble gesture. I look forward to more and more people joining us in working toward the complete eradication of idleness in our lives. I make this humble plea and a call to a nobody, a somebody, individuals, groupings, organizations, business, government and any formation of humanity in existence. I am more than convinced that working together as a collective, working together as humanity, will give us power to bring idleness to an end forever...



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